Monday, May 31, 2010

All Dressed Up


Its amazing how much damage you can do in the 10 minutes before spotlight closes! Here are the goodies.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hair Clips

My sewing machine is broken at the moment. Geoff is attemping to fix it for me so next week I may get to do some sewing. This weeks craft project is again using a hot glue gun. So easy and so fun!
The top green head band just has a felt flower which I cut out free hand and sewed a button to for the middle stuck to it.
The lady bird and flower hair tie is made by covering buttons and sewing them to a rubber band. You can buy self covering buttons at spotlight for about $4 for 3. Then you just need to find some cute fabric.
The clip with pink bow was just a metal clip I had that I glued ribbon to and then tied a little bow in pink and stuck that on. Gotta love a glue gun.
The last headband is the flower I made last week which I stuck on for kaisha.
So Easy.

Here are is a link for inspiration

Friday, May 28, 2010

Playing with Friends

I looked after one of my friends little girls on thursday. Kaisha and Maeve had such a fun day playing together. Kaisha is 2 weeks older than Maeve. They are both little chatterboxes and were so cute to listen to. They had a tea party, sang songs, played with their dolls and got dressed up to go to the shops to buy apples (its always apples with Kaisha). Here are a few photos of the fun.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Conversation with Kaisha

Discussing Boys and Girls.
Kaisha: Kaisha is a girl
Mum: That's right, what is mummy?
K: A mummy
M: well actually I'm a girl too. What is daddy?
K: Daddy's a princess!
Conversation ends due to mum rolling around laughing.

Walking to the park
"Look mum the clouds have come to see me"

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ahhh Frog.

Laura went to the toilet last night and came straight out and said "there is a frog in the toilet" I looked at her like she was crazy thinking where has Kaisha got a toy frog from to put in the toilet.
This is what I saw.

Thank goodness Laura is brave. I was ready to shut the bathroom door and use the garden from now on! She made it jump out then scooped it up and took it outside. Thank you Laura!

Craft Saturday

Every friday I try and do a little craft project. It has to be something I can complete while Kaisha is asleep and only take a couple of hours. I have decided that I will post my project on here on Saturday (if I did one).
This week I have been making felt dahlia corsages. I found this tutorial a couple of weeks ago and immediately got all excited. Lucky we live right next to a shopping center! Kaisha and I went down to the mall to see if we could find any felt. Crazy Clarks had lovely red felt for 69cents and craft glue for 3.50. It took me 2 hours to complete my first flower, these are quite fiddly and there is lots of gluing involved so release your inner child for this project. There are extra tips here which I found quite helpful. My felt was just the cheaper polyester felt and I just used ordinary craft glue for my first one. The peg idea is really helpful too. For my second one I used a hot glue gun and that was much faster. I also cut out templates of the petal shapes in the 3 sizes which made cutting out the petals way faster and more accurate. Happy Gluing!

Friday, May 21, 2010

No Zoo

It's raining today so we are no longer going to the zoo :(
Instead we are going to the doctors as Kaisha has had a fever on and off since wednesday night.
It does have its upside as I really need to pack for the weekend. We are going down to stay in Alstonville on Saturday and go to Special Meetings on Sunday. We have to drop Laura off at the airport at 7am Saturday so thought we would continue on from there which means I have to have everything ready tonight.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Story Time

"One fine day a rabbit went hop hop hop, The End".

An original story as told by Kaisha this afternoon. So cute! All of her stories start with "One fine day" or " On sunday".

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I have the best job!

I had a really interesting week at work this week. On Monday I made my first sunscreen. From scratch! I was so excited when it actually turned out OK. It will actually be a moisturiser with SPF 15 when I'm finished but to start with I made a sunscreen. Sunscreens are really hard to make and especially "natural" ones.
First you have the Zinc which likes a neutral pH, versus the preservative which likes a low pH. Then you have the zinc + oil + water which don't go together that well. Sunscreens are quite hard to stabilize too, they have a tendency to separate down the track.
Mondays V1 turned out a nice thick white cream but created a ghosting effect which turns the skin slightly white. Tuesdays V2 turned out thicker and matte with even more of a ghosting effect. Wednesdays V3 is a glossy cream and creates a slight ghosting effect which fades after an hour. V3 is definitely the nicest version so far but I'm not sure its going to stay together. Only time will tell. I'll be testing V3 on Friday when we go to the zoo. Half my face will have cream on and half without. We don't test on animals but we test on me! I should really get risk money!
At present the only way to test the SPF of a sunscreen is to send it to a lab where they test it by actually applying it to someone's (most likely a student) back and then sit them in the sun for a specific amount of time, then measure the square of sun screened skin against un-sun screened skin. Primitive and expensive!

I also have been developing a shower oil for winter. I didn't really know what a shower oil was either but while playing round with different ingredients I managed to create this really cool gooey gel which is really moisturising. It rubs on clear and glossy like a thick oil, then when you wash it off it turns milky and leave the skin feeling really smooth and moisturised It was a complete accident and the secret of the consistency is in the method of manufacture. Monday I made 3 versions. On Tuesday I did 4 batches and every single one failed. Tuesday was one of those days when R&D is just plain depressing! Anyway Wednesday I managed to reproduce it so now that I know exactly how to make it I just have to tweak it and make sure that its stable.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Story's with Auntie Connie and Uncle John

Afternoon Tea

"I'll open the jar for you mum"

Snuggles with dolly

Ready for meeting


Off to daycare (yes her glasses were upside down)

Monday, May 17, 2010


We thoroughly enjoyed having Nick's Uncle John and Auntie Connie to stay this weekend. Kaisha was a little shy initially but warmed up fairly fast. By the time they left she was calling them my auntie Connie and my uncle John.
On saturday we spent the day looking at flats for Laura. She will be moving next thursday. Her flat is 1.2km from her work and 4.5km from us so its perfect. Here are some photos.

Photos to come tomorrow. Nick has promised to buy me another cord so I can download photos again.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bits & Bobs

Its been 11 days since I last posted, slack! My excuse is that I can't get photos off my camera and posts aren't the same without photos. The card reader on this computer has not worked for years and the cord that I use to download my photos appears to have a bite mark in it and it no longer works.
So we have been tootling along as usual here. I'm still attempting to toilet train Kaisha, we have had one number 2 and no wees. She does wees at daycare fine, I guess peer pressure has an effect or something, but not at home. Apparently at daycare they line them all up and go 3 at a time (3 toilets in a row) so its a bit of an event. Maybe we need to install an extra toilet ;D. Anyway we will persevere. I have a feeling that its going to take a while to happen.
Its getting colder here, its supposed to get down to 9 overnight on the weekend so we are pulling out the winter clothes and blankets. Laura is now working full time and is looking for a house. We are having John and Connie come to stay at the end of the week so looking forward to that.

Saturday, May 01, 2010


Is it any wonder she falls out of bed all the time? I don't think I have ever gone in to Kaisha's room once she is asleep and found her properly positioned.

Pizza for lunch.

Kaisha's new wall stickers. Actually she got them for her birthday (thank you Beth)and its taken me this long to get them up. Which is completely ridiculous considering how easy they were to put up!

I'm attempting toilet training at the moment. So far its not going bad or good. Kaisha has awesome control and just hangs on all morning until I put her nappy on for her sleep. Then she hangs on all afternoon and evening til I put her night nappy on. In the past 3 days she has had 1 accident a day and no successes. She is quite happy to sit on the toilet but just doesn't get how to let go. Anyway since its quite easy we will continue and hopefully she will get it eventually.