Every friday I try and do a little craft project. It has to be something I can complete while Kaisha is asleep and only take a couple of hours. I have decided that I will post my project on here on Saturday (if I did one).
This week I have been making felt dahlia corsages. I found this tutorial a couple of weeks ago and immediately got all excited. Lucky we live right next to a shopping center! Kaisha and I went down to the mall to see if we could find any felt. Crazy Clarks had lovely red felt for 69cents and craft glue for 3.50. It took me 2 hours to complete my first flower, these are quite fiddly and there is lots of gluing involved so release your inner child for this project. There are extra tips here which I found quite helpful. My felt was just the cheaper polyester felt and I just used ordinary craft glue for my first one. The peg idea is really helpful too. For my second one I used a hot glue gun and that was much faster. I also cut out templates of the petal shapes in the 3 sizes which made cutting out the petals way faster and more accurate. Happy Gluing!

Those are very pretty? Sounds like it doesn't take long to make one.
I'm very impressed again Mel:-) I just bought a couple of felt flowers the other day! Looking forward to seeing whats next Luv Merle
Love them! xo
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