This post is probably only of interest to the mothers out there. If you aren't interested in the joys of breastfeeding skip the text and scroll on down to the photos at the bottom. :)
Coen loves to feed. In fact, apart from this last week, he has been feeding every 2 hours, which means I have been having an hours sleep at a time. I have decided that it doesn't matter how much sleep I get as its never enough. What does matter is how big the blocks are. This last week he has moved to feeding every four hours and I have been having 3hour sleeps. I feel so much better!
The problem was that Coen loves to suck, but he wouldn't take a dummy (pacifier), so was using me as one. The problem came to a head when feeding got so painful that I would cry each time. I finally managed to get him to take a dummy last week and immediately he started going longer between feeds. The other issue is that he will not gape properly so I can attach him. When I finally do get him on he pulls on and off all the time which does not help things. It seems to be the way he feeds and is not getting any better so I am off to buy nipple shields tomorrow and hopefully they will work and turn feeding from a chore I dread to something enjoyable once more. I'm hoping this is a stage and that he will get better at attaching the older he gets. Fingers crossed!
Sleeping perfection

Wide awake

Spot the baby

Big sister cuddles

My doll Coen

I'm lucky enough to have an amazing mother in law who brings me flowers each week! This week it was sunny cheerful tulips.

My own mother showing me up!
nipple shield was awesome for me,helped with the pain!didnt have to use it for long b4 it didnt hurt anymore.
coen is looking soo cute!!
Coen is so so gorgeous!
Thanks for the updates, and all the pics!
Lol Nick! Go Anna!!
oh man these photos are just to cute!! xxoo
Coen is growing so fast and is so cute. One of the pictures looks like Kaisha did when she was little.
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