Janelle & Kaisha playing barbies

Jetlag hits

We had sunday lunch down by the sea. It was a gorgeous day and we attempted a family photo.

On Monday we met Beth and the kids at Redcliffe for a swim. Janelle hadn't been swimming since summer last year in august.
Beau & Kaisha eating lunch all ready to go swimming.

Janelle and I rounded off the long weekend with high tea. It was great fun and absolutely delicious!

One last Cuddle.

Janelle lets not leave it 2 years before we meet up again!
These are so lovely. Thanks for keeping your photos up to date, Melissa! Janelle looks no different from years ago when they stayed here!!
LOVE the family photo!!haha awesome!
and the pics of janelle and rene sleeping with coen on their bellys, gorgeous, thats about the best way to have a nap
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