So Laura took them to the airport and we managed to get to bed by 12am. We were woken at 1 with Kaisha coughing til she gagged and she kept that up til 3. At 3 I jumped in bed with her as I couldn't keep my eyes open and if she slept on me kinda upright she didn't cough as much. At 9:15am Nick came bounding in to wake us as Special Meetings was starting at 10. We made it only slightly late and Kaisha was really good. Last night was the first night of unbroken sleep since then so you can understand my tiredness. The cough is finally clearing up so we will wait to see what she gets next :)
It has been what we think of as freezing in Brisbane the last couple of days but has come out nice and sunny here today. Thursday I went for a lovely walk with some of the mothers from around here. They walk every week and I get there when I can. Here are the kids playing in the park.

We have a long weekend here this weekend which means I get a 5day weekend. Yay! So far I have read 1 book, made 1 batch of cookies, been walking and taken my sewing machine in to be fixed. I'm hoping to do more baking, get the garden sorted and maybe do a little more non sewing type crafting. Will keep you posted!
pssst we are going out on theboat tomorrow but how is monday looking...? its been wayyyyyyyyyyyy to long! also i was looking for cheap places to stay for our 'weekend off' nextmonth but my op date has come thru already and its the wed before so.... thikning i may hold off in case something goes wrong!!!! ahhhhhh cant believe our 1 weekend has to be THAT one! blah! be in touch!
Good morning,
Love your pictures, looks like kaisha is a happy little girl. Glad you made it to special meeting even if you were a little late. Talk about tired, we are tired to the bone as we have been doing spring house cleaning before convention plus our 8 to 5 job. Maybe I will be finished this time next week. The weeds are growing in leaps and bounds and Bruce has been busy mowing the yard also. We will have extra worker company next week as they are building a new building at conv. grounds. Look forwrd to having workers again.
Love Edna
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