Friday, June 18, 2010


I went a bit crazy at bunnings this morning then had to try and fit everything into my garden. I have planted pansies and primula's in my front garden, they don't get much sun so will have to see how they go. In the back steps garden I have beans and sweet peas (I caved and bought my 3rd lot - now to make sure they don't die again), carrots, rosemary, thyme, broccoli and mixed flowers. And in the back garden there are, marigolds, spring onions, carrots, broccoli, oregano, basil, chives, coriander, garlic, snow peas, proper peas, tomatoes, eggplant and 1 sick capsicum. I also have a couple of zucchini in pots. I'm hoping that the possums have moved on and won't eat everything this year, so far so good. I'm really excited to be growing garlic - I grew ginger over summer which was something new, will let you know how the garlic goes.

The back step garden - everything is piled in willy nilly

The back garden - things are slightly more orderly

Self seeded tomatoes

1 comment:

lew n Merle said...

Most impressive Luv Mere