Monday, June 28, 2010

Grandma's Visit

Grandma came to visit this week. She spent 4 days with us and we had lots of fun shopping and eating yummy food.

Kaisha loves to help and cleaning the house is no exception. Here she is helping clean for when Grandma arrives.

All ready to go shopping! Kaisha had been talking about going shopping with Grandma for days. In fact it was a really good bribe "if you don't (insert eat, get dressed, have a bath, go to bed) you won't be able to go shopping with grandma". I'm not sure what to use now that grandma has gone.


Unfortunately Kaisha is sick yet again so I had to take another day off work today and we had to go to the Dr again. Ever since she had tonsillitis about a month ago she has had a cough. This last week it has gotten worse and she has started to drool bucket loads. You can see it on some of the above photos. The cough goes on all night and the whole family is exhausted. Anyway we are back onto our next lot of antibiotics so hopefully we see some improvement soon and have a full nights sleep too! I also splashed out and got one of those vicks vapourisers too so hopefully that will help tonight as its freezing here (7C).

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Meet Bunny, she likes to hop hop hop according to Kaisha.

She is made from felt(polyester), wool(acrylic) and I used an old pair of stockings to stuff her - hence the lumpy look. She only took a few hours to make. She is blanket stitched around the edges.

I want to make more for gifts but use natural materials, wool felt and bamboo or wool stuffing.
Will let you know how it goes.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Quick Chicken Pies

I've been having these pies for dinner most of my life. They are quick, easy, a good way to get vege's into kids, and yummy.

Mix sour cream, mustard and parsley for sauce.

Cook onions, chicken and whatever vege's you have.

Cut puff pastry into triangles and fill up.


Quick Chicken Pies
1 Onion
1 T seed mustard (I use more)
2 T parsley
200g sour cream
2 C diced chicken
Puff Pastry

Veges - carrots, peas, corn, zucchini, eggplant, whatever you have

Chop onions finely. Heat oil in a pan and cook onions until clear. If cooking chicken and veges add to pan and cook til soft.
Mix chicken and vege's with sour cream, mustard and parsley.
Cut pastry sheets into 4 diagonally - squish 2 sides of triangle together and fill the 3rd side with mixture. Close up remaining side.
Cook at 200 Celsius for 15 minutes until golden.


I went a bit crazy at bunnings this morning then had to try and fit everything into my garden. I have planted pansies and primula's in my front garden, they don't get much sun so will have to see how they go. In the back steps garden I have beans and sweet peas (I caved and bought my 3rd lot - now to make sure they don't die again), carrots, rosemary, thyme, broccoli and mixed flowers. And in the back garden there are, marigolds, spring onions, carrots, broccoli, oregano, basil, chives, coriander, garlic, snow peas, proper peas, tomatoes, eggplant and 1 sick capsicum. I also have a couple of zucchini in pots. I'm hoping that the possums have moved on and won't eat everything this year, so far so good. I'm really excited to be growing garlic - I grew ginger over summer which was something new, will let you know how the garlic goes.

The back step garden - everything is piled in willy nilly

The back garden - things are slightly more orderly

Self seeded tomatoes

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Long Weekend

So I had a completely relaxing, blissful long weekend. I read in the sun, baked, cooked and gardened.
On saturday Kaisha and I were playing in the sandpit and enjoying the sun when I suggested we have a picnic for lunch. Kaisha got so excited, who knew she loved picnics so much! So we had our sandwiches outside and called it a picnic.

This is what she does when I ask her to smile.

Monday night we had Justin and Louise and Reuben and Zeke for dinner. Kaisha was so excited they were coming that she spent the half an hour before they got there standing at the window asking me when was Reuben coming. It was very cute (and also completely annoying).
This is the best photo available - you can see all 3's faces at least.

Straight after this photo was taken poor Zeke got a jug full of water dumped on his head by his brother, than while Lou and I were calming him down (and trying to stop laughing at his expression of shock) Kaisha joined the show and dumped another jug full from the other side. Was hilarious although not so much for poor Zeke.

Friday, June 11, 2010


The minute the air gets a bit nippy I want to knit. All through summer I can't stand the thought of knitting but the minute it gets cold my fingers start to itch. Weird I know. So since it has been a bit chilly here lately I have been knitting. I'm not a very good knitter mainly cause I can't be bothered counting stiches and increasing/decreasing etc. Up until now I have only knitted straight things such as scarves (and a blanket that is wider at one end than the other due to my erratic tension but we won't dwell on that). Anyway I wanted to get/make something for Anna and Geoff as a going away present so decided to knit them some of grandma's slippers. Once Kaisha saw me doing them she wanted some like Nana's and now I am on to doing some for Nick.
Here is a really bad photo of Kaisha and Nana wearing their slippers.

I've also been making more felt hair clips. I'm slightly addicted I know! Kaisha just pulls them out but they are so easy and fun to make and my sewing machine is broken (and they look really cute for the 2 minutes she wears them). Excuse the terrible photos again and the model.

Friday Update

Its been a week since I last posted, terrible I know. Anna and Geoff finally got away on saturday night. They had to be at the airport at midnight. Here is what our lounge looked like at 9:30pm.

So Laura took them to the airport and we managed to get to bed by 12am. We were woken at 1 with Kaisha coughing til she gagged and she kept that up til 3. At 3 I jumped in bed with her as I couldn't keep my eyes open and if she slept on me kinda upright she didn't cough as much. At 9:15am Nick came bounding in to wake us as Special Meetings was starting at 10. We made it only slightly late and Kaisha was really good. Last night was the first night of unbroken sleep since then so you can understand my tiredness. The cough is finally clearing up so we will wait to see what she gets next :)
It has been what we think of as freezing in Brisbane the last couple of days but has come out nice and sunny here today. Thursday I went for a lovely walk with some of the mothers from around here. They walk every week and I get there when I can. Here are the kids playing in the park.
Kaisha and Delta


Miss Delta - standing but not quite walking

Laughing on the swings

We have a long weekend here this weekend which means I get a 5day weekend. Yay! So far I have read 1 book, made 1 batch of cookies, been walking and taken my sewing machine in to be fixed. I'm hoping to do more baking, get the garden sorted and maybe do a little more non sewing type crafting. Will keep you posted!

Friday, June 04, 2010

Trip to the City

Today was Anna and Geoff's last (relaxed) day with us before they leave on their big trip. Nick took the day off and we decided to be tourists and wander around the city. Kaisha was very excited to go on a train and a boat in one day!

Breakfast - sticky lemon buns

Walking from the city to south bank

Hugs at lunch

South bank

Hugs for daddy

The city from the citycat

Story Bridge

End of the day