I've been keeping myself busy the past few months with my crafts. I find that if I don't do a little bit of craft everyday I feel as if I haven't accomplished anything. Knitting a few rows, sewing a seam or two or cutting out fabric makes me feel as though I DID something that day. (Besides cooking, cleaning, laundry and mothering of course.)
A scarf for Kaisha |
Slippers for Kaisha |
Elephants for Coen |
I'm making a mobile for Coen with these Elephants. I saw a similar mobile for $50 and thought that was a bit ridiculous. That was until I started hand sewing them!
And for the grand finale!
Kaisha's quilt top |
I have finally finished piecing Kaisha's quilt top. I'm going tomorrow to try and find a backing fabric. Then it will be time to actually quilt it which I'm a bit freaked out about! I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Idea's anyone?
You're very clevor Mel I'm most impressed:-)
And you're little man is growing so fast! I luv the photo at the end of Anna's blog of his fast asleep, so darling:-)mx
You'd think I'd read my comment before I posted! Obviously I meant Coen!
I just looked at Janelle's photos too I luv the family photo of you guys she's got from her trip:-)Mx
I am very impressed with your crafting skills and enthusiasm. Your quilt top is beautiful, you should be very proud of it.
What is you email address?
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