Kaisha made her own sandwich the other day all by herself. First she got her stool and took it over to the fridge and got out the butter. Then she moved the stool over to the bench and proceeded to make her sandwhich. It had sooooo much butter on it but she ate the whole thing.

Kaisha's favourite game at the moment is to make herself a bed. She does it everyday with whatever materials she can find and in whatever location. Then she makes dolly a bed beside her and they both go to sleep. In the picture below Dolly is in the basket with a blanket over the top. She is finally at an age where she will play by herself and spends hours giving her dolly bath's and putting them to bed. I'm loving the independence.

1 comment:
They do grow up too quickly, don't stay little very long. I thought we never would get to be a teenager, and now kids are teenagers before you know it. We need to see pictures with the Christmas tree with lights on. Even if it is 5 or 6 in the evening. Ha
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