On Monday I stayed home with Kaisha so on Thursday I went into work for a couple of hours. With Kaisha. As she is still coughing I didn't like to ask anyone to have her as all my babysitters have kids themselves. I just needed to whip up a lip balm so took a laptop, some dvd's and colouring in things. There is a desk in the lab with equipment on it out of the way of everyone so I made a cubby for her under the desk and set the laptop up on the a box. She was so good. It was all so different and people were coming and going and she was happy as. Towards the end of the 2 hours she started to pester a little so I finished up then. I needed to then distribute the lip balm to people before I left so we walked about dishing out lip balms to everyone. As I was going past the owners door he asked for a meeting !!!(I had ok'd bringing Kaisha in with him first). I went "umm I have Kaisha with me" and he goes "just bring her too". So I ended up sitting in the board room with both owners and the sales manager with Kaisha on my knee reporting on my latest projects. Was very surrel and went something like this. "I'm up to version 13 for this project and am quite happy with this one although it still needs tweaking as the pH isn't quite right yet, yes Kaisha you can have an orange when we are finished, and as I was saying the pH has to be lower for it to be preserved effectively". They really didn't seem to mind the interruptions tho so its good to know that in a pinch I can take Kaisha into work.
Friday we had mothers group here and William one of the little boys was turning 2 so we had a little party.

Saturday we had a lovely lazy day, I did some reading, some gardening and some playing with Kaisha. I also reorganised my kitchen cupboards which will have to count as my craft project this week as I haven't gotten around to anything else. Yes my sewing machine is still at the shop. I really must ring them up again. I am knitting Kaisha a scarf at the moment but I can only do it when she is asleep as she likes to "help" me knit it. This consists of her getting a knitting needle and poking it thru the knitting, not so helpful at all really so I only do it when she is sleeping. Anyway, back to my kitchen. The reason for the reorganise was another tupperware party I attended two weeks ago. Just a little bit more and I will be sorted "wink".

I'm impressed with your cupboards, they look gorgy! Cute photos of the party too! Am emailing you know :0) xo
Don't you just love tupperware? I like mine and it does so much for a cabinet to be organized. Looks nice.
I bet your heart was beating double time when you were called in to the office huh.
Love Edna
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