Delta having a tea party.

Kaisha showing Beau her Bed.

Lunch, not quite sure what is going on with Reuben's hair. I think he requested hair ties be put in.

Having iceblocks after playing in the dirt.

Cleaning off in the sprinkler

And here is a photo of Kaisha at 6:15 this morning when she woke up. Those curls sure are a sight in the morning!

And one last photo of my latest craft project. I used double sided iron on interfacing to iron the birds straight onto the canvas. Next time I'm thinking I might try doing a sort of applique shape with batting in the middle so that its raised.

Hi Mel I'm so impressed with all your creative work!:-) Keep it up.Luv Merle
Hi Mel I'm so impressed with all your creative work:-) Keep it up Luv Merle
Good morning, looks like they are having fun, so cute. Enjoy it while they are little, it doesn't last long.
Love Edna
Cute, cute, cute!! Can't wait to skype again. Kaisha is growing like a weed! xox
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