Had an awesome weekend camping. Click on the title above to see photos. Louise posted them on her blog and since I'm feeling lazy I won't re-post them.
Kaisha came out in spots on Monday which we thought might be measles as she has had a cold and been very cranky over the last few days. I took her to the dr's today and it turns out she has a cold and hives/mosquito/midge bites. She must be allergic to some of the grass she was playing in. So its back to work and daycare tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Kaisha's Robe
A couple of days ago I bought Kaisha a new robe. She insisted on wearing it home from the shops, wanted to wear it to bed that night, put it on as soon as she got up and wanted to wear it over her clothes when we went out.

This is Kaisha saying cheese. She always closes her eyes and refuses to open them and thinks it hilarious.

"I'm ready to go to the shops mum" Kaisha loves her "heels".

I asked Kaisha to say her full name yesterday. Kaisha Amber Wood, "Kaisha in the Wood" is what she repeated back. So funny! We have a long weekend here this weekend for Anzac weekend and are going camping at a 4wd park. I'll post photos next week.

This is Kaisha saying cheese. She always closes her eyes and refuses to open them and thinks it hilarious.

"I'm ready to go to the shops mum" Kaisha loves her "heels".

I asked Kaisha to say her full name yesterday. Kaisha Amber Wood, "Kaisha in the Wood" is what she repeated back. So funny! We have a long weekend here this weekend for Anzac weekend and are going camping at a 4wd park. I'll post photos next week.
Rocky Road Ice Cream
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Kaisha, Kaisha, Kaisha
Kaisha has taken to going to bed wearing a hat. I have no idea why but every night at bed time she has to find her hat before getting into bed.

She also has to take half her toys and dolls to bed too.

One of her favourite things to do is have tea parties. We have at least one a day. I did let her have a proper one with tea once but the little monkey just sat there and ate all the sugar so we haven't tried that again.

Some of you will know that Kaisha went thru a phase last year where she refused to have a bath or shower. Well it has started again. When I announced that she had to have a bath the other night she went all quiet and then disappeared. This is where I found her. The thing that helped last time was going swimming so I am going to have to see if I can find a heated pool around to take her too.

I stupidly left the left over chocolate from the macaroons on the bench and guess who found it!

"I'm eating chocolate, go away mum"

She also has to take half her toys and dolls to bed too.

One of her favourite things to do is have tea parties. We have at least one a day. I did let her have a proper one with tea once but the little monkey just sat there and ate all the sugar so we haven't tried that again.

Some of you will know that Kaisha went thru a phase last year where she refused to have a bath or shower. Well it has started again. When I announced that she had to have a bath the other night she went all quiet and then disappeared. This is where I found her. The thing that helped last time was going swimming so I am going to have to see if I can find a heated pool around to take her too.

I stupidly left the left over chocolate from the macaroons on the bench and guess who found it!

"I'm eating chocolate, go away mum"

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Macaroons, the perfect thing to make when you have nothing in the cupboard but want something sweet to eat. Gluten free too!
Start with your ingredients. 2 C desicated coconut (I used shredded), 1/2C caster sugar, 2 egg whites.

Mix together and roll into balls. Wash and dry your hands every 3 balls, otherwise everything starts to stick. Bake in the oven at 180 until light brown.

Dip in melted chocolate. Yum!

Makes about 20 (I cut the recipe in half). Recipe from Donna Hay.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Weekend Fun
The Condon and Kliese clans came over for lunch this weekend. Beau, Reuben and Kaisha had a blast playing together while Delta tried to tag along and Zeke lay on the mat inside. In fact I didn't even get one photo of him. Sorry Zeke! Here are photos of everyone else.
Delta having a tea party.

Kaisha showing Beau her Bed.

Lunch, not quite sure what is going on with Reuben's hair. I think he requested hair ties be put in.

Having iceblocks after playing in the dirt.

Cleaning off in the sprinkler

And here is a photo of Kaisha at 6:15 this morning when she woke up. Those curls sure are a sight in the morning!

And one last photo of my latest craft project. I used double sided iron on interfacing to iron the birds straight onto the canvas. Next time I'm thinking I might try doing a sort of applique shape with batting in the middle so that its raised.
Delta having a tea party.

Kaisha showing Beau her Bed.

Lunch, not quite sure what is going on with Reuben's hair. I think he requested hair ties be put in.

Having iceblocks after playing in the dirt.

Cleaning off in the sprinkler

And here is a photo of Kaisha at 6:15 this morning when she woke up. Those curls sure are a sight in the morning!

And one last photo of my latest craft project. I used double sided iron on interfacing to iron the birds straight onto the canvas. Next time I'm thinking I might try doing a sort of applique shape with batting in the middle so that its raised.

Thursday, April 08, 2010
Living in a small house, I'm constantly trying to rearrange things so that it all fits neatly. I think also I have a rearranging gene passed on from mum, she used to rearrange the lounge every 6 months at least. Anyway I have all these ideas of how I'm going to fit things into our house and I have recently pulled one of them off! When Kaisha first started at her Montessori daycare we went to an information evening. Basically the Montessori philosiphy is about setting up kids to succeed in doing tasks on their own. So its about making sure kids have the tools they need in their own size so that they can do tasks themselves. Anyway one of the suggestions they made was to have a toy shelf instead of a toy box. The theory being that when a child sees a toy box they have a curiosity to get to the bottom and then they turn around after reaching the bottom and are overwhelmed by the mess they have made. If the toy is pulled off the shelf, they can see the space where it has come from and know where to put it back. Ever since hearing this I have wanted a toy shelf and finally I have one.

So far it is working really really well. Kaisha is playing with more of her toys and tends to pack them up without me asking. Yay! I think that is daycare's influence coming thru.
In other big news Kaisha has moved into a big girl bed this week! We finally got her bunks painted and put together over easter.
Here Kaisha is "helping" to put the bunks together. The funny expression on her face is her saying cheese.

Here she is sleeping, she only takes up a tiny amount of the bed, you have to look hard to spot her! The pillows are in case she falls out which so far hasn't happened.

And here is a last picture of Kaisha. She came up to me in this get up and told me she was ready to "go to the shops"

So far it is working really really well. Kaisha is playing with more of her toys and tends to pack them up without me asking. Yay! I think that is daycare's influence coming thru.
In other big news Kaisha has moved into a big girl bed this week! We finally got her bunks painted and put together over easter.
Here Kaisha is "helping" to put the bunks together. The funny expression on her face is her saying cheese.

Here she is sleeping, she only takes up a tiny amount of the bed, you have to look hard to spot her! The pillows are in case she falls out which so far hasn't happened.

And here is a last picture of Kaisha. She came up to me in this get up and told me she was ready to "go to the shops"

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