Flu season has started early in our house this year. Kaisha had it last weekend, Nick went down on Monday and now its my turn. Luckily Laura has just arrived back to stay with us and is entertaining Kaisha for me (hopefully she isn't next to get it). Since I have sore eyes I haven't felt like reading (shock horror) so I've been working on my quilting project.
Last year I made a very easy cot quilt for Kaisha. The fact that someone like me who can't sew managed to make a quilt inspired me to do it again.

This year I bought a king single quilt kit. I'm hoping to have it done by Kaisha's birthday in December but I won't be at all surprised if it ends up ready for her birthday next year instead of this year. I'm not very good at finishing project. I have a half knitted babies jumper that I started when I was expecting Kaisha 2 1/2 years ago. I have empty canvases, I have bits of wool and fabric. I can always picture how awesome something is going to look and never actually manage to finish it. Hopefully this year I can finish some of these things. Here is the fabric for the quilt.

I plan on taking the brown fabrics out and replacing them with more flowery pink ones. At this point I'm nearly finished the cutting out. Then comes the fun bit, putting together all the fabrics into squares. Then the sewing.