Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Beth took us fishing at the Woody Point Pier. It was a windy cold day and we only caught 3 fish but the kids had fun running around and on a fine day it would be gorgeous.




Kaisha & Delta - 2nd Cousins

All lined up

Kaisha's first fish

And its the size of a gold fish

Can we touch it?

All the kiddies farewelling Delta's beanie which was floating away

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


A quick update on recent crafts.
Bags for Mum

Coen's quilt - Back and Front.

Elephants all finished - now to make the mobile

Fabric for the back of Kaisha's quilt

Close up

Saturday, August 06, 2011

The kids and I spent the week in Nebo last week at Justin and Louise's. We have a great holiday even tho we did all get colds (and still have them). Nick came up on the weekend (I decided he deserved a tiny break ;) The plane ride up was fine apart from Kaisha refusing to climb the steps into the plane. She did however let a nice man carry her into the plane. Not sure what I would have done otherwise! The landing was a bit bumpy so she started yelling woohooo. Not sure where she got that idea from but it was hilarious! Having Nick with us on the way back was much easier however.

Zeke cutting his toe nails.

Reuben & Kaisha having fun



Cheeky Zekey helping us do some baking

2 wide awake munchkins way before anyone else was awake.



Lunch at the Park

Birds at the park.

Bathtime - yes we did fit 3 in there at once.

And tomorrow I'm doing it again. The kids and I go to NZ for 2 weeks. Should be fun! Although I'm not looking forward to the plane ride as I already have sore ears. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly.