Kaisha loves her little brother but doesn't really pay him too much attention. She has been more naughty than usual since I got home but hopefully she settles down soon. She likes to have holds of Coen which last all of 20 seconds at which point she lets go and walks off.
Kaisha's first hold

Going home

Grandma and the Grandkids

An average sized coffee cup for perspective

Mother of two

On Saturday we went down to the Gold Coast to pick up a baby capsule I bought off ebay. We all fitted into Anna's 7 seater although with the 2 carseats it was a squash. We went to Pacific Fair for a bit of shopping afterwards.
The Grandmothers decided that an ice cream was a perfectly acceptable lunch.

Coen in the baby sling - Nick got lots of attention
Dinner with the (2nd) Cousins. Kaisha, Beau & Delta