Monday, February 28, 2011

All Home

Coen was finally discharges from hospital on Wednesday. Nick and I spent Monday and Tuesday nights staying in the parent craft apartment at the hospital. This was to make sure that Coen had the strength to do all his breast feeds. I can assure you he has no problem and in fact wakes us up every 2 - 3 hours unlike Kaisha who we had to wake up. On Friday we had to go back to the hospital for a weight check and he had gained 102g in 2 days.

Kaisha loves her little brother but doesn't really pay him too much attention. She has been more naughty than usual since I got home but hopefully she settles down soon. She likes to have holds of Coen which last all of 20 seconds at which point she lets go and walks off.

Kaisha's first hold

Going home

Grandma and the Grandkids

An average sized coffee cup for perspective

Mother of two

On Saturday we went down to the Gold Coast to pick up a baby capsule I bought off ebay. We all fitted into Anna's 7 seater although with the 2 carseats it was a squash. We went to Pacific Fair for a bit of shopping afterwards.

The Grandmothers decided that an ice cream was a perfectly acceptable lunch.

Coen in the baby sling - Nick got lots of attention

Dinner with the (2nd) Cousins. Kaisha, Beau & Delta

Monday, February 21, 2011

Coen Update

Coen is doing great. He is having 4 good breast feeds a day. Unfortunately we can't go home until he starts to put on weight. Last night he was down to 2.31kg which is 140g less than birth weight. At this point it looks like he will be discharged on wednesday provided his Jaundice doesn't come back and he puts on some weight.

Grandma's first hold

Tiny munchkin

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What you lookin at?

Hello World

Cuddles with dad


Cuddles with nana

Coen is doing great. He spent some time on lights yesterday and was much more alert today and is looking a better colour. We are doing 4 breast feeds a day which means that I leave home at 9am and get back again at 8:30pm. Its a long day but while I am there he has all breastfeeds. The nurses are saying that we should be home early next week which is awesome!

Friday, February 18, 2011

First Bath

Coen had his first bath a couple of days ago. He hated getting in but loved it once he was in.

Skin to skin cuddles with mum

Coen is doing well, we had 3 really good breastfeeds on wednesday and 2 on thursday. We have to have 4 to 5 a day consistently with weight gain before we can take him home. He was tested for Jaundice on thursday as he is beginning to look a bit yellow and was quite sleepy. His bilirubin level was right on the border to go under lights. The Dr decided to test him again in the morning and see how he goes.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quick Photo Update

As I'm sure you can imagine I am flat out here. I spend all day at the hospital trying to teach Coen to feed and then come home, put Kaisha to bed and drop myself. Here are a few photos of the last few days. Will try and remember to take more tomorrow.

Last pregnancy shot

Coen Jamie Wood - just born

In an isolate for the first hours of his life - he got transferred to an open cot pretty much straight away.

Family photo - Kaisha has since come down with an ear infection so can't visit.

Weight 2.45kg or 5.4lb